Oh, De Garlic!

When it comes to your health, garlic should be on your “must-eat” list.  This aromatic bulb is as healthy as can be.  Besides the studies on the effectiveness of Garlic in reducing cholesterol, recent studies give it a lot more credit.


Studies show increasing evidence that garlic and its components are effective inhibitors of cancer.  Furthermore, these studies reveal that the benefits of garlic are not limited to a specific species, to a particular tissue, or to a specific carcinogen. In other words, it has a broad-spectrum effect and seems to have the ability to stop human cancer cells from proliferating.  Another benefit to garlic is its demonstrated ability to make platelets less sticky, which effectively thins the blood, and prevents clots.  Either way, you will do yourself a great service by eating this aromatic bulb.


The most effective way to include garlic in your daily regimen is to eat it raw.  An alternative to munching on the raw aromatic would be a good organically grown garlic supplement derived from the whole bulb.  Want to give your health a boost?  Have a garlic day.  Stay well and remember to consult your healthcare provider before undertaking any supplement or exercise program.